Archived March 2025
Poetry V
158, 438, 13: At last instead of A last
GW-17 last line “You life is doomed to sigh” READ: “Your life is doomed to sigh” Via Vallabha
MCR-2 p.453 2. Art “andimmortalises me” READ: and immortalises me
DRT-33 Lord, You will chose me Read Lord, You will choose me (mistake in original.)
GW-317 line five – read “Then try it.”
235, 775, delete one of the two titles of the poem
Archived July 2024
Talks II
- MRP part 3 MRP-41 then we will remain always in darkness, READ then we will remain always in darkness.
- MRP-5 (part 1) “The human emotion has to curbed” Read “the human emotion has to be curbed”
- FFB-187 “Last sentence read “you” instead of “your”
- MRP, part 1- “Attachment and detachment” vivekenanda – Vivekananda
The errata below have been fixed for editions printed after 1 July 2017. We have also included some errata fixed after this date for completeness
Errata for books:
- 1. Poetry vol I
- 2. Answers II
- 4. Stories vol I
- 7. Poetry II
- 8. Poetry III
Many thanks to those who send in corrections. Particular gratitude to Prachar for Poetry I corrections.
Vol 1. Poetry I
DL – O height of oneness. Read: O height of oneness, [1] – [mistake in original first edition]
DL-276 A sweet longing have I // For the mainland of Realty. Read: A sweet longing have I // For the mainland of Reality.
DL-590 / line 10. «And went away on limping.». Read: «And went away limping.»
DL 458: Where: “Accident is am inevitable” Read: “Accident is an inevitable”
DL 935: Fear is self-punishment. Read: Fear is self-punishment, [1]
DL 944 If I // Cannot change my doubting Read: If I Cannot change my doubting mind [1]
WL 50: God I am a slow walker. Read: God, I am a slow walker. [1]
WL 954: Where: “Who dares to defeat your” Read: “Who dares to defeat you?”
WL 241: Where: “I am loveless soul” Read: “I am a loveless soul”
WL 408: O my world. // Love, love Read: O my world, // Love, love [1]
WL 541: “French-bowed” Read: “trance-bound” [1]
WL 541: O Lord Supreme. Your Forgiveness I implore. Read: O Lord Supreme, Your Forgiveness I implore.
WL 642: Ignorance to steal you // From your Heavenly Palace. Read: Ignorance to steal you // From your Heavenly Palace?
WL 768: My love has bound Your Freedom-soul. Read: My love has bound Your Freedom-soul [1]
WL 954: Where: “defeat your” Read: defeat you?”
WL 772: With my Surrender-light. Read: With my surrender-light. [1]
WL 931: Before my God-aspiration was born Read: Before my God-aspiration was born,[1]
WL 934: Human will is contradiction-sea, Read: Human will is contradiction-sea. [1]
GB 18: Where: “He wanted become” Read: “He wanted to become”
GB 46: O visible sun, // You are so kind. // Read: O visible sun, // You are so kind, [1]
GB 80: In the life of God-realised man Read: In the life of a God-realised man [1]
GB 877: Yet his soul // loves art, // treasures art, // For art is // God’s eternal Choice, // His ultimate Voice. Read: Yet his soul // loves earth, // treasures earth, // For earth is // God’s eternal Choice, // His ultimate Voice [1]
Vol 2. Answers II
SCA-1129, first new paragraph it says «heartpower». Read: «heart-power»
GIM-177 “He stood in front of a mirror and started with the front The front came out well” Should read: He stood in front of a mirror and started with the front. The front came out well. (via Vallabha) [Nov 2017]
Vol 4. Stories I
Page 72. EIT-26 Instead of: «should be suffering so mach.» Read: «should be suffering so much.»
GIM 79. P 315 Instead of “We the members of Max Sweeney’s family” Read: “We the members of MacSwiney’s family” [Fe]
GIM-81 p.321. Instead of: “Lord Bentik” Read: “Lord Bentinck” [Fe]
Page 365. GIM-99 Instead of: “Of if you want to stay here, you are» Read: “Or if you want to stay here, you are»
Page 477 GIM-166 Instead of: «O God, I love the untouchables. for they are God’s children» Read: «O God, I love the untouchables, for they are God’s children»
Vol 7. Poetry II
FF 4864: Instead of «challange», read «challenge»
[1] WL 541 – After publication The Wings of Light, part 11, (1974) the author confirmed there was error in original first edition.
[Fe] Mistake in original first edition.
Archived 19 Sep 2024
Plays II
MK-26 “/ My Form I have known, and realised,/” Should read: –> “My Form I have known, and realised,” (via Suswara)
MK-9 “…and we offer your our blessingful pride” Should read: -> “…and we offer you our blessingful pride”(via Suswara)
MK – 10 “SUNITY” Should read: “SUNITI”. On p258 and p259. (via Suswara)
SU – 43. Scene 9. p433 (bottom). UPAMANYIU -> UPAMANYU (via Suswara)
SU29. SCENE5. p411. “signals Harish Chandra. in his hands…” Should read -> “signals Harish Chandra. In his hands…” (via Suswara)
SU30. SCENE6. p413. My son, without fail I shall come and play with you, Should read -> play with you. (via Suswara)
DIM-24 Siunda should read > Sunda (via Vallabha)
DIM-53 (addressing has minister) Should say: (addressing his minister)
(MLK-8) LK 8, Scene 2, page 247, last sentence: all from Cod. Should say … all from God.
MLK:12 Scene 6 – Bliss of lord Vishnu enter into him. should say Bliss of Lord Vishnu enter into him (via Vallabha)
Plays Vol II, page 113, 2nd paragraph: ANANDA (shedding tears: closing bracket is missing